Average debt in Calgary is $28,421 excluding mortgages, while Edmonton's average debt is $26,479 compared to average consumer debt nationwide of $21,458.
The only age category to experience an increase in delinquency rates in the last quarter of 2015 was the under-26 group. The rate for that category rose 2.9 per cent.
"Debt is often used as a tool for consumers to accomplish their objectives. However, as people get older, their income earning capabilities generally trend downward," Equifax said in a release. "To increase their financial security, Canadians should develop a plan to pay off their debt within a set timeframe."
Equifax says interest rates will rise eventually and those relying on the availability of cheap credit will be tremendously vulnerable.
Canada's total reported consumer debt is now at $1.621 trillion, compared to $1.529 trillion a year ago.
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